Based on figures known to us, Peter Sterkenburg produced an average of 79 paintings per year in the period 1986 – 1991. We have therefore come to the conclusion that the artist must have made between 1000 and 1200 paintings during his lifetime, an impressive production made possible by his fabulous technique. The foundation has set itself the goal of exhibiting all of his work through this website. Much to our regret the quality of some photos on this site is disappointing. We apologize for this but have nevertheless decided to publish every painting. For the artist painting was not just a passion. He painted to earn a living so if people had seen a painting to their liking he would make a similar work. However, he made sure that each painting differed from previous works, so that exclusivity was guaranteed. The customer was king and that explains the numerous canvases with barges on the beach at sunset, tjalk-boats in a strong breeze and clippers in rough weather. Below you will find a number of gems made during the last ten years of his life when he could let his own imagination run free. Because the artist only started to mention a year on his paintings at the end of his career, we have in many cases estimated the years of production based on style and light. The same applies to the dimensions of his canvases. Therefore, we would be grateful to anyone who can send us the correct data.
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"As if the waves were alive, the clouds moved and the wind swept the sails ...."
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